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Did you get my good side ?

I find it hard to understand why people put such bad out of focus blurry photos on their profiles! Shall we help with some tips for the best selfie?

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Comments (160)

Finefelicity - 20 Sep, 2020 - 05:08PM

It is a struggle. Because you need to know if there's a physycial attraction there too. So blurry pics don't help.

I think tips will be helpful for sure

1408335 - 20 Sep, 2020 - 02:50PM

Only if you allow it but.. fair comment! I am.. believe it or not an extremely private person also. Just that I choose where the overlap is I guess.

ExoticOrchid - 20 Sep, 2020 - 02:23PM

@ Bikebum

I'm not "afraid" of anything but I like my privacy ... it's nobody's business what I do in my private life.

Also, on the flip side of what yiu say, someone knowing my business puts them in some sort of control over my life too.

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1408335 - 20 Sep, 2020 - 02:07PM

As a basic tenet.. everyone on this site has a right to present themselves in whatever manner they see fit. No argument.
My other basic tenet is my own inalienable right to at least question motive which is as individual as a finger print I am sure.
Let's get real? Everyone who reads profiles is assessing motive? That is how we initially at least make some decision whether you like what you read.. does it fit with what they seek?
Problem is there appear to be a few clairvoyants around who 'presume' to know what I think. No mystery.. I SAY what I think. Reading critically however is something else.
Some hide out for supportable reasons.. some for less acceptable ones which is where this issue started? Blurry pics?

Liltink - 20 Sep, 2020 - 01:40PM

Regardless of their relationship status everyone has the right to their anonymity until they decide different. Who knows who could be on the site that they may know in their world.

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1408335 - 20 Sep, 2020 - 01:15PM

@Devon Pixie
Not judging anyone.. simply posing a question. (Did you miss the punctuation mark?)
I am exercising my right to a point of view.. as you are. However, here you are issuing orders! Laughable.
I will "presume" whatever I damn well like without your approval. Go lecture someone who thinks your approval matters?

1399985 - 20 Sep, 2020 - 12:51PM

@Bikebum people have a right to be as discreet or indiscreet as they like. You gave up caring about others judging you, yet here you are judging ExoticOrchid for taking a different approach. There are a number of reasons why a single person who is having affairs with married people may wish to be discreet about that fact, don't presume to know other people's situations.

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Cherry_X - 20 Sep, 2020 - 12:47PM

@Bikebum - re the man having to cross the dance floor.

I am single. I am also on a singles site - OKC. I am incognito there so no guys can see me, I can only see them. This means I have to do all the legwork and initiate all the messaging.

About 90% of men's profiles on that site say "I can't see Likes, send me a message." This translates as:

- They can't be bothered Liking women's profiles and seeing if they get a match
- They won't fork out a small, reasonable subscription fee to see who likes them
- They're asking women to do all the work

I've also been on Bumble where women have to make the first move. Unfortunately, it was full of chauvinists. I think the site appealed to them because they were too lazy to do any work.

So basically, you're wrong.

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1408335 - 20 Sep, 2020 - 12:44PM

What are you afraid of? I gave up long ago concerning myself with what others choose to think of me. That only puts someone else in control of my life.
No offence.. just my two cents.

1388047 - 20 Sep, 2020 - 12:39PM

No excuse for no or very poor old photos- use the password and chat until you feel safe to give pw

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